” Compared to the detail and attention demanded by many paintings; drawing and sketching is a breeze. Consider the quiet reliability of a standard 2B pencil. Never do I feel more comfortable than with a pencil in my hand. The pencil is the quintessential stylus. What a thing of beauty: the pencil. They are almost universally available. They’re cheap and easy to use. You can stick them in a drawer and come back ten years later, and there they are, ready and waiting to serve. They never dry out or need batteries. They are extremely low maintenance. Pencils are great.”
- The Art Expert
- Pan American Departure
- Elephant
- Floating Hair
- Wave
- “Guidebook”
- Lift Shack
- My Logo
- Mother and Child
- “Mayday!”
- “Watching Wildlife”
- “Mystic Mt. Rainier”
- “Boom”
- Pioneer Range of Idaho
- Mutants
- White Knuckle Wheel of Fortune
- Plow design / Swords into Plowshares
- “Pen Point”
- Seattle Logo
- Space ship construction
- “Surf All Things”
- SV Ski Patrol Drawing
- Tesla Face
- Perfect Storm
- Ty-G Art Logo
- “Stranger in Paradise”
- Wing Design
- Riding
- Young Woman
- Young Woman
- Reading
- Chicks and Dicks
- Bunny
- Self Love
- Mermaid Dreams
- Kauai Water Guardians
- Solitude
- R.M.S.A.
- Tesla’s Wedding
- House Lifting Party